Click the play button below to watch the Ernie Els Golf Swing in action.
Ernie Els or the Big Easy as he is known, has one of the most powerful yet gentlest golf swings in the world. The Ernie Els Golf Swing is a swing that combines exceptional strength, and power with a delicate touch. Graceful and fluid, the Ernie Els Golf Swing is a sight of pure rhythm and tempo where it sweeps the club back low and slow in the early stages of the takeaway or the classic one-piece action. This introduces width and co-ordination in the swing immediately- essential for all full shots, but particularly with the longer clubs. Looking closely at Ernie Els Golf Swing, one would see that his upper body, hands, arms and the club all move away from the ball in harmony. The wrists are almost completely passive- they only start to hinge as the hand reach a point just beyond the right hip. Let's look more closely at the Ernie Els Golf Swing in details.
1. The Address
Ernie Els emphasizes the importance of good posture and a comfortable, relaxed set-up to the ball. Like all the best players, his head is kept up, at address and his arms hang down naturally, free of tension, from the shoulders.
2. Turn and Set
Having made the perfect one-piece takeaway. Ernie cocks the wrists, setting the club on an ideal plane. His supper body starts to rotate, with his left shoulder truning uder the chin.
3. At the top
This is a superb position at the top of the backswing, and is a model for anyone working to improve their swing. The shoulders have made a full 90 degrees trun, the hips and knees resisting the rotary motion of the upper body.
4.The Downswing
In all the best swings the club drops slightly inside the line on the way down. The Erniel Els Golf Swing mainatins perfect balance and rhythm, placing him in the ideal position to attack the back of the ball.
5.Through Impact
Once again this is the perfect position of the Ernie Els Golf Swing- one that handicap players should visualize and copy. Ernie's head maintains its postion slightly behind the impact point while the club freewheels into the followthrough.
6. The Follow Through
A perfectly balanced finish, is a sure confirmation that all the elements of the Ernie Els Golf Swing have been put together correctly- a major key to solid and consistent iron play.